To receive a QR code and a printed pass to enter the community, a rental guest must first receive an invite from their rental host. Afterwards, the guest completes the following steps:
Registering and Receiving a Pass
- Renters will receive a text message and/or email (depending on what the host decides) with a link. The email will be titled DeBordieu Colony Community Access Pass and will come from
- The guest uses the link to go to the DeBordieu Colony guest portal landing page where they receive a pop-up message showing all current invites from rental hosts. The rental guests simply needs to select the right pass to complete.

- They will guided through each step of the guest registration process as laid out below. The first step is to put in their personal home address, city, state, and zip code. Other information including their phone number and community rental information show up on the page but these cannot be edited by the guest. After entering the information, they click “Next” at the bottom of the screen.

- The second step is the vehicle registration. The guest must enter their vehicle information prior to arrival. If they fill out the registration at home but don’t have the rental car information or if they are using a taxi service, they simply need to check the rental car vehicle box and they will be prompted to return to the portal as shown below.

Rental Car Prompt
- Step 3 is completing a brief orientation videos and the corresponding acknowledgements.
- After completing the guest education, the guest will be prompted to pay and receives their QR code. It is also sent to them via email. If the host has paid for the pass, they will simply receive their QR code.

- The guest will receive emails up until their date of stay similar to the first one they were sent. These emails will include prompts to finish the registration if they haven’t, including registering a rental car. If they have finished their registration, the emails will include their QR code for access.
- If they completed their registration, selected the rental car box, and then returned later to complete it. They will return to the rental car page of the portal and input their vehicle information. The system automatically guides them to this part of the portal from the email links they receive.The rental vehicle registration page:

- Once the guest has completed their guest registration process and received their QR Code, they will bring their QR code to the gate house, where the guard will scan their QR code and print their pass. The pass needs to placed on the dashboard of the vehicle when entering the community.